Custom networks
If you cannot find the network you are looking for within the @reown/appkit/networks
path, you can always add your own network.
We have two ways to add your network to the AppKit:
1. Adding Your Chain to Viem’s Directory (Recommended)
We are using Viem for providing EVM chains to the users under the hood. If your chain is for EVM. We recommend you to open a PR to Viem to add your network to Viem's directory. Once your chain is accepted to Viem, it'll be available on AppKit. No new steps required.
Here is the documentation of how to add new chian to Viem:
2. Creating Custom Chain Object
You can also create a custom network object without waiting for approval from Viem’s repository.
Required Information
You should have the following values to create a custom network:
- id: Chain ID of the network.
- name: Name of the network.
- caipNetworkId: CAIP-2 compliant network ID.
- chainNamespace: Chain namespace.
- nativeCurrency: Native currency of the network.
- rpcUrls: Object containing the RPC URLs for the network.
- blockExplorers: Object containing the block explorers for the network.
import { defineChain } from '@reown/appkit/networks';
// Define the custom network
const customNetwork = defineChain({
id: 123456789,
caipNetworkId: 'eip155:123456789',
chainNamespace: 'eip155',
name: 'Custom Network',
nativeCurrency: {
decimals: 18,
name: 'Ether',
symbol: 'ETH',
rpcUrls: {
default: {
http: ['RPC_URL'],
webSocket: ['WS_RPC_URL'],
blockExplorers: {
default: { name: 'Explorer', url: 'BLOCK_EXPLORER_URL' },
contracts: {
// Add contracts here
// Then pass it to the AppKit
adapters: [...],
networks: [customNetwork]